Vehicle Safety Tips for Travelers

Whether it be with a rental car after a short airplane ride or your own trusty vehicle after a long road trip, traveling means that we may encounter non-typical and potentially troublesome hazards on the road.

If were driving along in a remote or unfamiliar area, would you know what to do about driving issues such as animals, potholes, puddles, and downed power lines? Though the chances that these issues will affect you appear slim, know how to get yourself out of a jam can save lives.

Vroom Vroom Vroom, a large national car rental company, has put together a list of the top travel safety tips for road warriors on the go.

Here are the five issues they address:
Tip #1: When faced with potholes
Tip #2: Be aware of your surroundings
Tip #3: In the case of animals
Tip #4: When dealing with puddles & fallen trees
Tip #5: If you see live electrical wires

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