The Freedom to Travel to Cuba Act

After 46 years of virtually no access to Cuba, the House of Representatives brought forth an act on February 4 that would allows American citizens to travel into the controversial nation.

The Freedom to Travel to Cuba Act would repeal the travel ban on Cuba and take away the President’s power to regulate travel to and from the island except in times of war or infectious disease outbreaks. The original ban was created in 1963 amidst heavy anti-Communist sentiment. George W. Bush strengthened the act in 2004 by restricting Cuban immigrants visiting rights to once every three years and limiting the amount of money that can be sent to Cuba to $300 per every three months.

Cuba remains the only nation that Americans are not allowed to visit on their own accord, though there is a debate as to whether or not Americans should support the country.

The act is currently in the hands of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs. President Obama, who previously said he is willing to meet with Cuban leader Raul Castro, is expected to support the act.

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