Tripsite: From a Spare Room to Across the World

Tripsite is a family owned company that specializes in European bike tours. Due to their vast knowledge of Holland and the rest of Europe, that was the sole focus for a long time. Tours along the Danube and the countries of Italy, France and Holland are hot spots, close to the roots of the company.

Clara Sprout is one of the co-owners of the company, alongside her brother and sister. Their mother emigrated from Holland to America, at the age of 34-years-old and began the company in 1999.

Sprout’s mother founded the company on a passion for cycling that is embedded in the Dutch culture. Sprout refers to Holland as “bike paradise” explaining, “The land is flat and beautiful and there are bike paths everywhere. Children bike to school. That is just their way of life.”

Sprout refers to her mother as a “workaholic,” although the gene for hard-working individuals clearly has not left the family. Working with family is nothing short of enjoyable to Sprout who says, “We work really well together and are a really great team.”

Tripsite treats their customers like family, with special attention and accommodation to meet their different needs. This could be creating a specialized itinerary for someone who is worrying about scheduling, helping someone search for more comfortable biking spandex and remaining on a first name basis with the majority of their customers.

The company will never schedule a trip to a place that they have not previously explored and enjoyed themselves. While bike and boat tours remain the most popular type of trip offered by the company, Tripsite also offers standard bike trips and river cruising trips.

Read more about Tripsite on GoNOMAD Travel here.

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