Americans Vote the USA as Their Top Vacation Destination

There’s No Place like Home!

According to new research, the USA tops the vacation destination charts for American citizens. A recent survey has revealed that the USA is the favorite vacation destination, followed by trips to the Dubai and Hawaii. European destinations come further down the list, with the English capital, London, sitting fourth place in the top ten list.

A recent poll has revealed the most popular destinations for vacations amongst US holiday-makers; with destinations within America taking the lead.

The study was carried out by, in a bid to find out more about the lifestyle habits and holiday choices of US citizens, after noticing a marked increase in searches for holiday-related discounts. 2,852 American adults aged 18 and over took part in the survey, all of whom had booked at least one vacation during the last three years.

All respondents were first asked, “Have you been on vacation outside of the USA in the last 18 months?” to which three quarters of respondents (74%) stated that they hadn’t left the USA for a vacation in the last 18 months.

The survey then asked respondents to identify their favorite holiday destinations, that they had been to or would like to go to in the future. The respondents were provided with a list of locations and asked to select all that applied. The following top ten favorite holiday destinations were revealed:

1.       Destinations within the USA – 68%

2.       The Bahamas Islands – 44%

3.       Dubai, United Arab Emirates – 41%

4.       London, England – 39%

5.       Cancun, Mexico – 32%

6.       Paris, France – 29%

7.       Sydney, Australia – 27%

8.       Montego Bay, Jamaica – 18%

9.       Bangkok, Thailand – 15%

10.   Vancouver, Canada – 12%

The respondents who had selected ‘Destinations within the USA’ as one of their favorites, were then asked to provide the reasons why they liked to vacation in their home country. The majority of respondents (86%) stated that they ‘enjoy the food and culture in the USA’ or that ‘the USA has everything I want from a vacation’ (77%), while a third stated that they enjoy ‘exploring different parts of my own country’ (31%).

Matthew Wood of made the following comments:

“The USA is a huge country with so much to offer and something to please everyone. From beaches and great hiking places to art galleries and city skyscrapers, there is so much diversity and excitement. It’s no wonder that it tops the charts!”

“There are great deals to be had on vacations no matter how far you are traveling, or even if you’re having a staycation! Vacations can be super pricey, even if you don’t incur any flight charges, so it’s worth checking out discounts and offers before booking your trip away. Everything from shows in Vegas to dinners in NYC can be done on a budget, so be smart with your spending to really make the most of your vacation, in the USA or anywhere else in the world!”

METHODOLOGY NOTE: The survey was sent via email to the respondents and conducted over the course of 7 days. All respondents were registered to an opt-in database. The margin of sampling error for the complete set of weighted data is +/- 3.1 percentage points.


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