Historical Casinos to Visit in Monte Carlo

Monte Carlo's famous casino.
Monte Carlo’s famous casino.

A few years ago, GoNOMAD published a story with a particularly apt headline: Monaco for the Average Joe. In the story Jennifer Wattam Klit outlined how even the less affluent would find fun and not break the bank on a trip to Monte Carlo.

Monte-Carlo Casino

Even if you have champagne dreams on a soda pop budget the casino, set in the centre of Monte Carlo, should not be missed.  

Charles Garnier, the architect of the opera house in Paris, built the Casino in 1878. Its atrium is covered in marble and is enclosed by 28 Ionic columns in onyx. It leads into the auditorium of the opera, called the “Salle Garnier,” which is decorated in red and gold, with a cornucopia of bas-reliefs (images raised above the background of a flat surface), frescoes and sculptures.

Here, for more than a century, exceptional international performances of opera, ballet and concerts have been staged. The gaming rooms consist of a series of rooms featuring stained glass windows, decorations, sculptures, paintings and bronze lamps.

Persons under 18 not admitted
Dress code: Jacket and tie for men
Rate (per person): 10 Euros

Casino Gardens and Terraces

Opposite the casino are magnificent flowerbeds and carefully tended lawns dotted with ponds. The “Boulingrins Gardens” as they are called slope gently upwards in the direction of the shopping street of the town. The back of the casino, facing the sea, is bordered by sunny terraces.

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