Where We Went Recalls the Year’s Travels by GoNOMAD Staff

Mridula Dwivedi of GoNOMAD, India's Top Travel Blogger
Mridula Dwivedi, India’s Top Travel Blogger

Travel websites are created by and for travelers. Some big magazines forget this–it’s about travel and to write about it you have to do it.  GoNOMAD.com Travel is proud to have writers, editors and staff who all travel.  Every year we publish a story about where we went. Here is this year’s traveling tales…Max Hartshorne, Editor starts off with his yearly round-up, mostly in South America.

Then Stephen Hartshorne shares his trips to the US South, and Photographer Paul Shoul shares adventures in Costa Rica, Belize and Colombia.

We hear from Sonja Stark who traveled more than the rest of us, and from Mridula Dwivedi, who has been recognized as India’s Top Travel Blogger, who went all over Asia and lots of beautiful places in India.

Read about our travels

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