A Nightmare Scenario Makes Travel Insurance a Good Investment

Scrambling up Caracol, Mayan ruins in Belize. photo by Lydia Carey, Luxury Latin America blog.
Scrambling up Caracol, Mayan ruins in Belize. photo by Lydia Carey, Luxury Latin America blog.


Why would you need travel insurance , anyway?  Maybe some of these stories would be enough to convince you that investing a small sum before you travel could provide you with a HUGE return should you ever get sick, injured or especially, if you needed to be helicoptered home.

It’s very easy to slip off an ancient Mayan ruin, up 198 steps, and tumble down with bad injuries. I heard about this story when I was visiting Belize recently–see photo.

It’s easy to imagine the kinds of things that could happen during a trip that would make you happy you sprung for the insurance.  How about the story of a man who visited India and got run over by a taxi?  Sure, he went to the local hospital and yes they stitched him back up, but what about when it got way worse?

This man contracted a disease while in the hospital that was such a bad virus, nobody could get rid of it. Like many bacteria in hospital settings, this was the nightmare scenario–antibiotics no longer can kill some of the most robust strains.

If this ever happened to you, it would be clear you’d want to get airlifted home….to a US hospital where there might be a chance to save you.  For this reason, and a million other terrible scenarios, next time look into travel insurance

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