Solar Powered Catamaran Ends ‘Round the World Voyage in Monaco

PlanetSolar catamaran, the world's largest solar-powered catamaran that is completing an around the world voyage in Monaco on May 4, 2012.
PlanetSolar catamaran, the world's largest solar-powered catamaran that is completing an around the world voyage in Monaco on May 4, 2012.

The largest solar-powered catamaran in the world – 31 metres long – left Monaco on 27th September 2010, after an official presentation by H.S.H Prince Albert II, for a round-the-world trip from East to West along the equatorial route.

PlanetSolar crossed the Atlantic to Miami in the United States, and then headed to Cancun in Mexico and Cartagena in Colombia before travelling along the Panama Canal in January 2011.  The solar catamaran then had a stopover in French Polynesia, Noumea and Brisbane, Australia, before sailing north of Australia, close to Papua New Guinea. PlanetSolar is expected to arrive in Monaco on Friday 4th May 2012. By then, she will have sailed for 53,000 km (28,618 nautical miles).  She will be moored by the Quai Antoine 1er, opposite Monaco Yacht Club, and will remain in the Principality until Sunday 6th May. Various activities and events will take place that weekend.

The objectives : to demonstrate the efficacy of the environmentally friendly new technologies and the potential of renewable and photovoltaic energy to further scientific research and raise the public’s awareness of the importance of renewable sources of energy.

“The 536.65 m² of photovoltaic solar panels allow her to be propelled by solar energy alone.  Everything on board is solar powered – the water, lights and telephone – apart from the cooking stove, which runs on gas,” explained the boat’s designer, Raphaël Domjan.  The six-man crew who made the Atlantic crossing has since been reduced to four, to demonstrate “that it is not necessary to have a large crew to operate these technologies.”

The initiative is supported by a consortium composed of Monaco Tourist and Convention Authority, the Prince Albert II Foundation, the Société des Bains de Mer and Monaco Yacht Club.  Read a GoNOMAD article about visiting Monaco on the cheap.  “Monaco for the Average Joe.”

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