Record Your Travels With HipGeo’s New Trips App

HipGeo documents your adventure.
HipGeo documents your adventure.

The era of forcing your friends and family to sit through boring slide shows of your travels is over, if HipGeo, a Los Angeles-based website and app developer has its way. With the new Trips feature to their iPhone app, travelers can conveniently document their journeys as the app automatically captures and shares their photos and routes.

Users of the HipGeo app can take pictures with their iPhones while the location-aware platform tracks their route, then create, save and share their trips over Facebook, Twitter, email or text with the active and passive features. With HipGeo’s embedded player, users can share their trips on their blogs or websites. The app features animated maps and slide shows of photos organized by location.

“Our Trips feature adds context unique to HipGeo users,” said HipGeo CEO Scott Daniel. “It’s the easiest way to create a compelling story with a smart phone.”

Reviewer Kelly from Alberta wrote, “HipGeo gets it right and does it in a way that is safe and secure…I’m in! This is more fun than a barrel of Tweets.”

The free app can be downloaded via iTunes App store.

Check out the top ten free travel apps for every type of traveler, then read about the top travel apps for the iPhone and iPod touch on GoNOMAD.

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