Stockholm: Europe’s First Green Capital

The idea of ecotourism generally evokes an image of secluded, flora-covered locales without any hustle and bustle, but some of us are looking for an eco-friendly travel itinerary with a little more pizzazz.

So where can we go to get green comforts in a metropolitan city? Look no further than Stockholm, Sweden.

The European Commission honored Stockholm with the very first European Green Capital Award, which recognizes the city’s duality as an environmentally friendly location and a growth center for the nation, after beating out 35 other capital cities.

Stockholm is home to several bike and walking paths, “city forests,” responsible fishing habits, and public transportation systems entirely that run off of renewable fuels. Initiatives are in the works to advance the city’s water protection program for cleaner water and create more bathing beaches.

Despite the strain put on Stockholm by its roughly 800,000 residents and thousands of tourists per year, current campaigns aim to achieve independence from fossil fuels by 2050.

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