Beluga Hunting in Norway

Hvaldimir the Beluga
Hvaldimir the Beluga

An Unforgettable Encounter with Hvaldimir, the Beluga: A Journey with Marine Mind in Norway

By Matteo Preabianca

As a lover of marine life, the opportunity to see Hvaldimir, the famous beluga whale, was aHvaldimir close up scaled dream come true. This incredible adventure was made possible by Marine Mind, an organization dedicated to the study and protection of marine life, with a special focus on Hvaldimir.

The experience was as much about the interactions with the dedicated team of marine biologists and volunteers as it was about the encounter with Hvaldimir himself.

The Search Begins

Our journey to find Hvaldimir started with a sense of anticipation and uncertainty. For two days, we searched along the Norwegian coast, guided by the Marine Mind team. Sebastian, the founder of Marine Mind, was with us from the start, living and sharing a cabin with the team.

The team and the author, right.
The team and the author, on the right.

This provided an enriching experience as they were incredibly generous and welcoming. The team receives regular updates about Hvaldimir’s whereabouts through a network of local farmers and concerned citizens.

This network, built on trust and a shared commitment to Hvaldimir’s safety, provides crucial information while keeping his exact location confidential to protect him from undue attention.

Beluga smile.
Beluga smile.

Hvaldimir the Beluga’s Warm Welcome

On the third day, we finally arrived at a salmon farm where Hvaldimir had been reported. As we toured the farm, we were suddenly greeted by a splash. Turning towards the sound, we saw Hvaldimir emerge from the water, a friendly greeting that left us all in awe.

This magical moment was a highlight of the trip, with Hvaldimir’s playful splash feeling like a warm welcome. It set a positive tone for the rest of our visit.

The Marine Biologists: Guardians of the Sea

Accompanying Sebastian was a team of marine biologists and volunteers, each bringing their unique expertise. Their enthusiasm was contagious as they shared insights about Hvaldimir and the challenges he faced. They explained that Hvaldimir, believed to have escaped from captivity, now navigate the coastal waters of Norway, often seeking out human interaction.

The beluga hiding in a small harbor in Norway.
The beluga hiding in a small harbor in Norway.

The Ropes: A Game or a Duty?

One of the most interesting aspects of Hvaldimir’s personality is his interaction with ropes. He has a particular fondness for tying and untying them, a behavior the Marine Mind team has frequently observed.

Watching Hvaldimir engage in this playful activity is fascinating, demonstrating his intelligence and curiosity. However, the team is still investigating whether he does this for the sake of play or if it is a reminiscence of his past life in captivity in Russian waters.

The Daily Search: Tracking Hvaldimir

Every day, the Marine Mind team embarks on the task of locating Hvaldimir. This is no small feat, as the beluga’s movements are unpredictable. The team relies heavily on a network of local salmon farmers and ordinary citizens who have become allies in tracking Hvaldimir’s whereabouts. This network is built on trust and a shared commitment to keeping Hvaldimir safe.

The Network of Guardians

One of the most impressive aspects of Marine Mind’s work is their ability to build a trustworthy network among farmers and citizens. These individuals report sightings of Hvaldimir, providing crucial information without revealing his exact location publicly or on social media.

This discretion is vital for Hvaldimir’s protection, preventing potential disturbances or harm from those who might seek to exploit his location.

Marine Mind: Real and Ordinary People

What stood out to me the most about Marine Mind was the genuine, down-to-earth nature of its members. These are real, ordinary people who are not seeking the spotlight. Their sole focus is on Hvaldimir’s health and future.

They work tirelessly behind the scenes, driven by a deep love for marine life and a commitment to making a difference. This humility and dedication are what make Marine Mind truly special.

An Educational Experience

During our time at the farm, the marine biologists shared a wealth of information about belugas and marine conservation. They explained the importance of maintaining a delicate balance between human activities and marine ecosystems. The knowledge they imparted was invaluable, shedding light on the broader implications of Hvaldimir’s story for marine conservation efforts worldwide.

A Community Effort

The sense of community among the Marine Mind team and their network of supporters was truly heartwarming. It was clear that everyone involved, from the scientists to the local farmers, shared a deep respect and affection for Hvaldimir. This collective effort is a testament to what can be achieved when people come together with a common purpose.

The Challenges Ahead for Belugas

Despite the successes, the Marine Mind team faces numerous challenges. Hvaldimir’s solitary existence and his interactions with human environments present ongoing risks. The team is continually developing strategies to mitigate these risks, ensuring that Hvaldimir can live as safely and naturally as possible. This includes advocating for responsible behavior from the public and working closely with local authorities to monitor his well-being.

Reflecting on the Experience

As our visit came to an end, I felt a deep sense of gratitude for the opportunity to witness the incredible bond between Hvaldimir and the Marine Mind team. The experience was both humbling and inspiring, highlighting the profound impact that dedicated individuals can have on the life of a single animal.

The Future of Marine Conservation

My encounter with Hvaldimir and the Marine Mind team reinforced the importance of marine conservation. It underscored the need for continued education, research, and community involvement in protecting our oceans and the creatures that inhabit them. Hvaldimir’s story is a powerful reminder of the resilience of nature and the responsibility we all share in preserving it.

Hvaldimir at rest.
Hvaldimir at rest.

Somebody to care

Seeing Hvaldimir and interacting with the Marine Mind team was an unforgettable experience. It provided a rare glimpse into the world of marine conservation and the incredible efforts being made to protect a single, extraordinary beluga whale.

The dedication of Sebastian and his team, the support of the local community, and the playful spirit of Hvaldimir himself left an indelible mark on my heart.

This journey was more than just an opportunity to see a famous whale; it was a testament to the power of compassion, commitment, and community in the fight to protect our planet’s most vulnerable inhabitants.

To learn more about Marine Mind, please visit:

Matteo Preabianca


Matteo Preabianca has been traveling for more than 15 years living in several countries, including Italy, Switzerland, Russia, India, USA, China, Australia, Mali, Mexico, and now, the UK, where he works as a languages expert.

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