Posh City Club: A Place to Pee in NYC

Posh City Club will offer bathrooms for rent in New York City.
Posh City Club offers bathrooms for rent in New York City.

Posh City Club: Making Gotham Pit Stops Luxurious. Too Bad they went out of business… good idea though

By Erica Garnett

When people think of New York, clean is usually the last word on their minds. Despite the approximate 54 million tourists who visited the city in 2019, a drawback of visiting Manhattan is the limited accommodations as a tourist. Where do you go the bathroom when every restaurant, store or shop has a sign prohibiting such a thing?

Posh City Club had a solution. The company created a place for members to stop in and use the bathroom, put down their bags, and re-gather themselves before heading back out into the metropolitan jungle. They’ll even would have been able to take a nap or check their email in the private confines of the club.

A rendering of the Posh City Club that has lockers, rest areas, bathrooms and more for travelers in New York City.
A rendering of the Posh City Club that has lockers, rest areas, bathrooms and more for travelers in New York City.

When Nature Calls

A packed day in the city can easily be interrupted by needing to drop everything and spend the next half an hour searching for a bathroom. Eventually, which could mean ten blocks, a McDonalds or Starbucks is found. “This is not going to be a Starbucks” clarified Posh City Club creator, Wayne Parks.

This need for clean bathrooms for tourists in the city is where Parks drew his inspiration. When he would bring his kids into the city they would have to use dirty bathrooms and as a parent, this upset him. His concern is undoubtedly shared by many parents about the hygiene of their children and the frustration of needing to find places constantly.

The only thing worse than a public restroom is another public restroom. Traveling with children or the elderly only exacerbates this because of the frequent diaper changes and erratic bathroom stops. As well, people with disabilities may need a larger bathroom accommodation than what is available.

Parks’ Posh City Club features personal bathrooms for members that have touch-less flush valves and sink faucets.

Shower stalls are big enough for an aide to accompany someone and are handicap-accessible. Baby changing systems are built in for families with children. Bathrooms are soundproof and have music to ensure the utmost relaxation while getting clean. Bathrooms are cleaned and sanitized by an attendant after each use.

Secure Storage

For those that pick right up with the New York crowd and shop incessantly all day, carrying shopping bags for blocks and blocks will eventually wear someone out. Posh City Club offers private lockers with digital locks for people to leave their belongings and free up their arms for more shopping.

There are also refrigerators available for families that look to cut the costs of expensive eating out and bring lunches. Baby milk and formula can also go bad on a hot day and need refrigeration.
Attendants will be visible and present at all hours of operation for member’s safety and to address any concerns. A digital photo ID check-in is required upon entering for security purposes.

Affordable Packages

Posh City Club offered four different packages to its members. The smallest package was a three-five day package for $39. This package caters to tourists who come to the city once or twice a year. This could be someone from Connecticut or an international tourist from China coming to the city for the first time. Membership accounts for $15 of the cost, breaking it down to only eight dollars a day, which equates to nothing in expensive New York City.

The second largest was a six-11 day package for $57. This package is for tourists who perhaps live in a neighboring state and enjoy taking a couple day trips a year or for those that live across the country and visit the East Coast often. This package broke down to only seven dollars a day, which is much cheaper than taking an emergency cab ride to find a bathroom. The third largest was a 12-100 day package for $87.

At six dollars a day, this package appeals to frequent travelers in the city and even residents themselves. Wayne acknowledges that most people who live in Manhattan already have their routine down and assuringly have a job and a house to use a restroom in.

For the International, National, Neighboring Tourists and New Yorkers Too

While it is not heavily anticipated, New Yorkers have their place at posh City Club to freshen up before a work party or even escape the workplace. Commuters from Connecticut and New Jersey may not need assistance from Posh City Club during the week but when they travel to New York with their family, a membership would be a convenient investment.

The largest package was a 365-day pass for a total of $640. This reduced to only $1.75 a day. Buying a bag of chips in Subway to be considered a ‘customer’ just in order to use the restroom is generally more expensive.
The different packages were designed to accommodate the different needs of people who come to visit the city.

With over 50 million tourists, there are bound to be very different schedules, preferences, and levels of affordability. Wayne explains that Posh City Club takes costs heavily into consideration.

Members Only

We all know it. The customers only signs that are posted on business doors. Posh City Club doesn’t look to exclude anyone but has to limit its membership in order to prevent over-crowding and reinforce good sanitation. Parks explains that membership size depends on what packages are being purchased.

Posh City Club is open to all that wish to be a member, the only requirement being that they are over the age of 18. Spouses can sign up together so a membership can be shared. As well up to three children under the age of 18 can enter for free. Those who are not members can be gifted day pass from existing members. As well, members are allowed to bring up to five guests at one time.

Future Plans

Wayne wants to see Posh City Club as a flagship enterprise. Once the first store is opened, he hopes to have one never more than five blocks apart from another City Club. Locations of high foot traffic in Midtown, the Meat Packing District and the lower East Side are all potential places for satellite locations. Once Posh City Club has gained its ground in New York, Wayne looks to expand the Club to other major metropolitan areas across the United States. Boston would most likely follow second.

“I’m flexible, it’s what the members want,” says Wayne. Posh City Club has the luxury of receiving feedback and further accommodating members before the actual foundation is laid out. There are solid plans and goals in place however.

Too bad this business is now gone, it was a great idea for travelers in NYC.

Erica Garnett

Erica Garnett is a former editorial assistant at GoNOMAD Travel. She now lives in Portland, Oregon.

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