
One Step at a Time: Q & A with Brandon Wilson

One Step at a Time: Q & A with Brandon Wilson Brandon Wilson is an award-winning travel writer with a passion for trekking. He and his wife Cheryl hiked 650 miles through the Himalayas along an ancient pilgrims’ trail from Tibet to Nepal. He has also walked the Way of…


Bad Trips: The Perils Of The Road Revisited

When Travel Really Stinks: Bad Trips Excerpted by Devon Magoon The eclectic collection of travel writing, Bad Trips, edited by Keath Fraser, chronicles a smattering of reportage, fiction, and poetry accrued from the experiences of 50 esteemed writers. For those that find themselves most alive when tracing the veins of…

tim leffel bike

How to Make Money Doing What You Love: Traveling

By Beth Simmons Renowned travel writer Tim Leffel puts the glitz and glamour of travel journalism aside in his new book, Travel Writing 2.0: Earning Money From Your Travels in The New Media Landscape, to tell the facts when it comes to turning this love interest into a career. Leffel…

octopus guests

What’s a Resort Really Like: Ask the Guests on Video!

What’s a Resort Really Like? Watch a Video of the Guests Or Ask a Local! By Beth Simmons The Internet is a go-to source of information for travelers looking to book their next trip. Look up any destination and you’re likely to find a written description and photos. However, depending…

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