
Travel and the Telephone User Tips | GoNOMAD

By Oscar Davis Making Calls Abroad Phones in Hotel Rooms Many hotels and motels charge set rates for all calls made from in-room telephones. The cost of these calls is generally much higher than an ordinary call made from a residential or business phone. There may also be other service…

Henry Biernacki.

Henry Biernacki: Super Traveler

By Nicole Sobel “A world map to most eight-year-olds is merely lines and colors. To me, at eight years old, the world map cured my intense curiosity of the unknown world and what was beyond my own border,” said airline captain and avid traveler Henry Biernacki. When Henry Biernacki was…


You Lost Your US Passport: Now What?

18.6 million Americans got their passport last year. What’s Stopping you? By Peter Sacco You’ve read about this point in your Lonely Planet guide for weeks, and today is the big day. It’s been called the most dangerous border-crossing in South America, but the sun is shining, reggaeton is in…

travel gadgets

GoNOMAD Reviews of New Travel Products

  GoNOMAD Review New Travel Products By Sarah Cavicchi We’ve compiled another travel gadget review for you! Everything from sleep headphones to solar chargers to USB rechargeable batteries have been field tested by our staff to give you the best advice on what will work for your roaming. USB Rechargeable…

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