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Mardi Grass Festival

Nimbin, New South Wales, Australia

GoNOMAD DESTINATION MINI GUIDE Nimbin, New South Wales, Australia By Monk Media WHY GO The Haight Ashbury of the South Pacific, Nimbin is a haven for boho travelers in need of yoga rejuvenation, a tarot reading or a vegan feast. This postage-stamp-sized town rests in the foothills of an extinct…


Immersion 101: Learning A Language Overseas

Immersion 101: Learning A Language Overseas By Kent St. John GoNOMAD Senior Travel Editor There’s no better way to learn a language than to be completely immersed in it: eat, sleep and breathe it. In other words, you need to live in the country where the language is spoken, if…

voulez vous

Gîtes and Alternative Lodgings in France

By Rachel Stella Wherever you are in the world, motels lack charm, and no amount of “French touch” seems to improve the concept. So if you are looking for a cheap — and charming — place to sleep in France, stay away from the chains like Etap, Formule 1 and…

mostar bosnia

Volunteering: Summer Camp for Balkan Children

Balkan Summer Camp: A Place to Play By Rebecca Kraus Reprinted with permission from Abroad View Magazine. As I swayed with little Amila on my shoulders, I could hear her singing Stari, or “The Mostar Song,” about raising the spirit of Bosnia. She was waving our homemade peace flag in…


GoNOMAD Guide to Learning a Language On Your Own

Words to the Wise, Learn by Yourself By Kristin Johannsen For independent travelers, the advantages of speaking some of the local language are clear. Besides simplifying daily life, the ability to talk with the people leads to those magical encounters that you remember all your life. But for those of…

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