Visit California Takes Over YouTube for 24 Hours

In a first-of-its-kind global campaign in four countries, Visit California will take over YouTube with “24 Hours. 24 Dreams” – a collection of videos focused on inspiring and celebrating Californians who have made their dreamspossible in the Golden State.

The YouTube takeover will start at midnight PST on Feb. 28 in the U.S., with a new video released every hour showcasing California dreamers and over-the top experiences statewide. “24 Hours. 24 Dreams.” is the initial campaign launch effort for Visit California’s new Dream 365 Project, which will feature a variety of cool, fun, offbeat, thought-provoking content including videos, memes, tweets, time-lapses, photos and more.  The collection will highlight the abundance of iconic, as well as off-the-beaten-path, experiences for travelers to explore in California.

To fuel this innovative content initiative, Visit California selected Google as the global media platform to launch the Dream365 Project, which celebrates the “if you can dream it, you can do it in California” attitude.

“We want the launch of this campaign to emulate the pioneering attitude California is known for,” said Caroline Beteta, president & CEO of Visit California. “Our first-of-its-kind content partnership with Google will showcase the unique and creative ways Californians from across the state realize their dreams; the land of boundless opportunity, epitomized by Hollywood, Silicon Valley and its frontier heritage, California is the place where people don’t just dream, they Dream Big.”
“We’re excited to see Visit California launching such a cool and unique campaign that features new content every hour in the YouTube Masthead,” said Rob Torres, Industry Director, Travel for Google. “The travel industry is starting to embrace the power of online video and this Visit California initiative is leading the way. They are creating a memorable brand experience for consumers online and leveraging the capabilities of YouTube and the Google Display Network to extend that experience across devices and international markets.”
The 24 videos that will be featured Feb. 28 include everything from Bob Burnquist’s floating skate ramp, Edward Sharpe’s Big Top and a first-ever California DreamGig with popular musical group Band of Horses to Coachella from the vantage point of a GoPro camera hovering above the crowd, a Boston Terrier’s Shasta Cascade adventure weekend and a female surfing legend taking on Mavericks, to name a few.

Visit California’s partnership with Google began last March when the organization and its advertising agency, MeringCarson, visited the Google BrandLab to develop a new digital strategy for communicating California’s brand message across the globe. Visit California will have 100 percent share of voice on YouTube desktop and mobile sites for 24 hours in the U.S., Canada, U.K. and Australia, delivering more than 135 million impressions.

In the lead-up to the new Dream365 Project, national TV spots have been airing in the U.S., Canada and the U.K., as well as key markets in Australia, showcasing Visit California’s new brand messaging:

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