Air France Listens in to All Social Media–They Hear You!

Air France consultants are available 24/7 to reply to customers at any time of the day or night, wherever they are. This round-the-clock service is provided in French and English. The Company also responds to its customers 7 days a week in seven other languages: Spanish, German, Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese), Ko rean, Ja panese, Portuguese and Italian.

With this new round-the-clock service, we are now more than ever attentive to our customers needs, assisting them at all times with their questions about their trip. Our objective is to acknowledge their requests in less than an hour, and provide a solution in less than 24 hours stated Jean-Michel Mathieu, VP Digital Technology Division.

Air France and the social networks in figures:

–       Close to 3 million fans on Facebook
–       More than 450,000 followers on Twitter
–       35,000 monthly requests on social network
–       41 Air France agents providing online service to customers at 5 offices worldwide (Paris, London, Guangzhou, Sydney and Santiago)
–       Service provided in 9 different languages.
–       24/7 service is provided in French and English.
–       Air France is present on 7 social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Google+, Sina Weibo and LinkedIn.

Air France is present on all of the main social networks worldwide, which enables it to exchange with its customers on a daily basis. Today, the Air France Facebook page ( provides information about its products and services, organiz es compe titions and hosts special offers. On Twitter, Air France provides specific information on several different accounts:

–       @AFnewsroom (Air Frances official newsfeed, aimed at journalists and aviation enthusiasts),
–       @AirFranceUS (US market),
–       @AirFrance (international markets),
–       as well as around twenty accounts in the main countries served. (e.g. @AirFranceFR)

Following and interacting with Air France on Facebook and Twitter en ables yo u to keep informed in real time on your computer, tablet or smartphone.

Air France, the most responsive company with regard to its customers 

In January 2013, Air France was ranked top in France by the reference and analysis website, as the company which is most responsive to requests from customers and Facebook users. It has also been recognized as the most efficient in providing answers on social networks.

Air France’s digital services 

On 5 December 2013, at the official launch of its round-the-clock social network service, Air France launched a new serie s of dig ital services. Regularly, the Company will invite journalists, e-influencers and bloggers to give them exclusive previews of the latest digital innovations at Air France.

This event is interactive. Follow it live on Twitter with the hashtag #AFDigiDays!

See more, including a short video here:
Learn more about Air France’s social offerings in the US here: oter/soc ial_media.htm

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