Compensation for Terrible Travel Times in “World’s Unluckiest Traveler” Contest

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If you've been here, you might qualify to enter into Travel Guard North America's "World's Unluckiest Traveler" contest and win a 10,000$ dream getaway.

Do you remember that time that you had to sleep on the floor at an airport terminal? Well how about the sun burns and the food poisoning and that guy next to you who drooled all over your shoulder on the plane? If you think you’ve had it bad, now’s your chance to vote for semi-finalists or enter into Travel Guard North America’s ( “World’s Unluckiest Traveler” Contest. Voters select a grand prize winner, and there are two $10,000 dream vacations at stake.

Four young children, two bad cases of food poisoning, one long customs line in sweltering heat all on his way to a family reunion helped Jeff M. become the seventh finalist in Travel Guard North America’s ( “World’s Unluckiest Traveler” Contest.  Collecting the most votes in the month of July for his family trip, Jeff, of Deerfield, IL is now eligible to win a grand prize $10,000 dream getaway to be awarded in December, 2010.

Following his father’s funeral, Jeff and his family decided to plan a reunion to Mexico to spend some quality time together. They were traveling with four children under the age of five and found themselves waiting in the sweltering heat in the customs line in Mexico City.  After spending hours waiting in the long line and focusing all of their energy on entertaining their children, they finally cleared customs.  Jeff and his family arrived at the gate only to find the ticket agent giving away their connecting tickets to standby passengers. The gate agent offered Jeff and his family seats on the next flight, which unfortunately was eight hours later.  To compensate, she offered Jeff and his family meal vouchers for the airport dining options. They knew not to drink the water, but Jeff and his daughter decided to eat the table salsa and subsequently spent the entire night suffering from food poisoning.  After a trip like that, Jeff then submitted his story to the “World’s Unluckiest Traveler” contest.

Throughout 2010, Travel Guard will continue its search for the “World’s Unluckiest Traveler” – the traveler who has survived an incredible travel travail or outrageous adventure and has the story to prove it. Each month, Travel Guard will award two Flip MinoHDTM camcorders – one to the entry that receives the most votes, and one to a randomly-selected person who voted for that winning entry. At the end of the year, all of the monthly winners will vie for the grand prize in a final round of voting. The most popular entry and a randomly selected lucky voter who votes for one of the winning entries will each be awarded a $10,000 dream vacation.

Travelers can submit their entries by logging onto and uploading a video or photo and posting their unlucky tale for a shot at the title of World’s Unluckiest Traveler. Voters and entrants can also find out more about winners’ travel snafus by “liking” Travel Guard on Facebook and following Travel Guard on Twitter @TravelGuard.

For more information about travel insurance plans and assistance services offered through Travel Guard, travelers can log onto, call 1.800.826.1300 or contact their travel agent.

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