This One’s For the Bikers

Mass Bike  Pike Tour
Want to up your bike street cred? Photo courtesy of Mass Bike Pike Tours

Bicycle Bikers that is.

The Mass BikePike Tour is an annual trip that highlights a section of the state’s great biking. This year’s tour starts and ends in Amherst, MA,  giving a great look at Central MA, the Quabbin Watershed, the Connecticut River Valley, and some local fair along the way.

The routes are scenic, but can get challenging with varying terrain thanks to Central, MA’s notorious rolling hills. And for each day of the four day long event, there are different route options, with 30, 50, or 65 miles available depending on your preference. Snack stops pepper each route with fresh fruit and water and Gatorade.  This isn’t a race either so riders are encouraged to set their own pace through out the day. But needless to say, you probably want to be in shape for this sort off thing.

Overnight stops are hosted at local schools, with a campground set up outside and free reign of the bathroom facilities. There’s also a Camptel VIP Service, essentially a pre-set up tent and air mattress for the rider, with clean towels and chairs provided as well. One overnight stop will be hosted by a local college, complete with comfy beds and air conditioning! Riders who prefer to  sleep indoors through the tour can at the various host schools or they can make their own arrangements with local inns or bed and breakfasts.

Meals are also local highlights, with barbecue, Mexican, and even a Farmers Market Picnic being featured in the past. Breakfasts vary, but can include coffee, fruit, bagels, eggs, pancakes, oatmeal, cereal and toast. Vegetarian options are available as well.

Best yet, all proceeds will go to MassBike, a Massachusetts’ statewide bicycle advocacy group that promotes  and encourages bicycling for fun, fitness, and transportation along with the creation of a more bicycle-friendly environment.

The four day tour starts August 5th and ends on the 8th, but space is limited to 125 riders! Registration ends on July 19th so be sure to check out their website for more information!

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