Jet Blue Will Use a Smaller Plane on Flights to Cuba

Musicians entertain tourists in Havana, Cuba. Daniel Maldonado photo.
Musicians entertain tourists in Havana, Cuba. Daniel Maldonado photo.

JetBlue to Slash 300 Seats on Cuba Flights as of May

When the Obama administration announced an agreement last year to allow regularly scheduled flights into Cuba for the first time in more than 50 years, major U.S. airlines stumbled over each other to get access to the island nation.

But now JetBlue says it is reducing its service to Cuba, becoming the second U.S. carrier to cut back. In December, American Airlines said it would drop one of the two daily flights between Miami and the cities of Holguin, Santa Clara and Varadero. The carrier cited weak demand in reducing its schedule to 10 daily round-trip flights from 13, starting in mid-February.

As of May 3, New York-based JetBlue will fly aircraft with fewer seats to Havana, Santa Clara, Camaguey and Holguin. In total, JetBlue will fly 300 fewer seats a day to the Cuban destinations. JetBlue didn’t attribute the cut in capacity to a drop in demand.

“It’s common practice to adjust schedules and … routes based on customer preferences, especially routes that are new to the network,” spokesman Philip Stewart said. Meanwhile, Alaska Airlines, which flies to Cuba from Los Angeles, said it has not cut capacity or routes to Cuba.

But a spokeswoman said it is common for new routes to take years to develop consistent demand. “Leisure markets tend to take a little longer to mature than business markets, particularly markets like Havana that haven’t had commercial air service for many decades,” Alaska spokeswoman Bobbie Egan said

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