Tips for Making the Most Out of a Language Holiday

They're all speaking could learn how and understand them!
They’re all speaking Spanish…you could learn how too and understand them!


If you are tired of coming back from holidays with little to show but a quickly fading tan and a few tawdry souvenirs then a language holiday may be just what you are looking for. A language is something that will serve you for life and beats any memento you can cram into your suitcase. Whilst the popularity of Spanish courses in Spain, Japanese courses in Japan or French courses in France still lags behind the popularity of English courses in the UK, there are plenty of opportunities to immerse yourself in the language, culture and customs of other countries on a break with a real difference.


Here are the benefits of learning a language abroad on your next break and some tips on making the most out of the opportunities out there.

The benefits: A language is for life

A new language helps to open up vocational and educational opportunities, offers revealing insights into your own and other languages, increases the number of people you can communicate with all over the world and helps you to enjoy travel to many more countries.

Meet new people

If you are traveling alone a language course is a great way to make new friends from all over the world who are pursuing a similar goal. By the end of your break you will not only have language skills that will serve you for life but an address book filled with international friends.

Have a more authentic travel experience

Understanding a language is the key to unlocking the secrets and nuances of a culture. Not only will you be able to communicate with locals and feel confident enough to step off the well-trodden tourist trail, you will also be able to appreciate the literature, watch the local news, take in the latest films and browse the newspapers. You will feel much more a part of the place you visit than the average tourist.

Make the most of it

If you are to make the most out of your language holiday, whether with or another top language school, you need to be prepared to really throw yourself into it. The first requirement is an open mind: you need to be ready for a challenge, prepared to meet new people, take part in group activities and to take every available chance to practise your target language. Language learning is at its most effective when you are immersed in it. Immersion is not cramming in lots of class time but listening and speaking in the language in your social time too.

You’ll be amazed at how quickly your language skills improve and could be coming home with a new language under your belt, a list of new friends to visit and the chance to feel at home in a number of other places all over the world. That beats a couple of blurred snapshots any day!

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