Naked in Vermont: An October visit to Abbott’s Glen Inn Reveals Foliage and Fun

GoNOMAD’s Max Hartshorne discovers Abbott’s Glen Inn in West Halifax, a destination for part time nudists looking to relax, have fun, and eat great food. This judgment free zone is a great getaway for those looking for a “freeing” experience in beautiful Vermont.

Breakfast at the Inn
Breakfast at the Abbotts Glen Inn, Southern Vermont. Photo by Max Hartshorne.

I didn’t know that I needed this break. I had no idea, in the enjoyably cool weather of fall in New England, that I’d crave the chance to be free, naked and bathing in the sun in Southern Vermont. But I did. And what a break it turned out to be!

Abbott’s Glen Inn is in West Halifax, at the very southern part of the Green Mountain State.  For seven years they have cultivated a loyal following of part time nudists who come there for the delectable food, beautiful grounds, conversation, and yes, a little naked dancing too. They offer tent sites and seven rooms inside in various configurations at different levels of comfort.

Guests and hosts alike shared the phrase “It’s exotic, not erotic,” and “the two-minute rule of nudist living.” And it’s true that after just a few minutes, the prurience disappears and you no longer really care what your body looks like.

You’re much more interested in that plate of cumin infused roast pork, or the chance to sit in an Adirondack chair in front of a pretty lake and let it all hang out. Literally and figuratively.

57 Acres to Wander

The property is about 57 acres, and a woodland stream winds along the edge of the forest. There are well-marked hiking trails that take you over to the stream, and at the trail’s end a delightful circular sunning area is cut out of the weeds.

Just before you get there, a bridge with a little bell on it sounds when anyone is approaching. How convenient!

Abbott’s Glen reminds of me what I’d have hoped that my old prep school would be set up like. With sylvan glades protected from the faculty to tryst in, and a sunny circle of chairs where everybody can relax naked and read a book or talk.  And no homework, just the assignment to get to know your fellow nudists and share your interests and relax.

The buildings are all reclaimed from the original farm. The carriage house has guest rooms, a large living room with a wood stove for hanging out, wine tastings and the evening dance parties.

Right across a path is the main building with upstairs guestrooms, kitchen and the dining room which looks out at the pond.

In addition, the big hot tub is in this building along with spacious stone floored bathrooms and multi person showers (one co ed and one for women only.)

Naked in Vermont: An October visit to Abbott’s Glen Inn Reveals Foliage and Fun

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