Housesitters Unite! Here’s a Great Way to Stay Free

ChaCha and book
The author with her dog ChaCha

OK, I am Ready, How Do I Start Housesitting?

How to Become a Housesitter: Insider Tips from the Housesit Diva

I sleep around. Usually with animals.  If you’ve ever dreamt of “living like a local” rather than being pegged as a tourist and becoming a housesitter…read on.

If you’d like to test what living in a community is like before committing to a permanent move… If you want to save thousands of dollars on accommodations in some of the world’s most glorious hotspots…

how to become a housesitter coverIf you want to visit your grandkids or parents without being underfoot… Or if you simply like sleeping around…

This book is for you! Gleaned from my real-world experiences during fourteen years of full-time housesitting and pampering dozens of dogs, cats, bunnies, and fish, this book contains advice and “insider tips” to help you leap into the world of housesitting with confidence and grace.

Whether you want to housesit full-time as a lifestyle, or occasionally during your vacations, this book will help you avoid the pitfalls so many new housesitters (and seasoned ones, too) fall into.

You might wonder why I’m sharing my personal tips for securing great housesits. I believe traveling is transformative – not only for the traveler but for all the people she or he meets along the way. Now more than ever, we need to open our hearts and homes to each other. Housesitting is one way to expand travel opportunities, so I want to shout it out to the world!

I include discount codes for some of the more popular housesitting platforms (so the book pays for itself immediately!) and a quiz (“Is Housesitting Right For Me?”) so you can determine your particular joys or challenges of housesitting.

Happy Housesitting!

Chapter excerpt from How to Become a Housesitter: Insider Tips from the Housesit Diva

Think about the type of housesit you’d like. Your needs will change, but here are some considerations:

Your Purpose for Housesitting

Is this a vacation? A working retreat? Are you a walkabout addict? Or are you filling in a gap between other housesits?

Thinking about what type of experience you’d like to have will eliminate a lot of housesits that wouldn’t fill your needs – or your soul. For example, if you’re looking for a cultural experience filled with museums and fine dining, a rural house won’t likely be appropriate. On the other hand, if you are looking for a writing retreat, that farmhouse might be perfect!


Depending on how much time you have, you can choose a part of the world and build a series of housesits in that area. Choosing one area allows you to focus your sitting options and reduce airfares. For example, one summer, I chose a three-week housesit in Malaysia and then filled in two other Malaysia sits at either end.

Time Zone

If you are telecommuting with your home office, the foreign time zone you housesit in might wreak havoc with your sleep cycles…and might not be worth it.


Will you be housesitting in the Caribbean during hurricane season? Up north in the winter? Consider whether you are prepared to handle a weather emergency.

Fitness Required

Is there an elevator to that seventh-floor flat? How energetic are the dog walks? Will you be at a high altitude?

Proximity to Grocery Stores, Etc.

Remember that you will need to handle everyday tasks. How easy will that be? This is more than just a lifestyle question. Do you want to drive in the foreign country you’ve chosen? If so, be sure to check insurance and international drivers license requirements. If not, be sure to determine how close you’ll be to public transportation, grocery stores and restaurants. Is the walk home from the grocery store up a steep hill?

Garden/Pool/Hot Tub Maintenance Requirements

Are you prepared to take on these maintenance responsibilities?

Type of Pets

Horses? Iguanas? Rats? Snakes? Llamas? Birds? Rabbits? Donkeys? Be sure to know all the animals’ requirements before accepting the sitting assignment. Know your limits!

Pets’ Routines and Habits

Do the dogs need to walk every four hours? That might be a drag for daylong sightseeing or it might be a blessing by forcing you away from your computer regularly.

What are the animals’ sleeping habits? Do they sleep in the bed with you? Do they sleep through the night? What are their toilet habits?

Do the pets need daily shots? Medication? Regular brushing? Again, be honest with yourself about your limits.

Nearby Noise

If silence is important to you, ask about nearby construction, barking dogs, street vendors’ loudspeakers, partying neighbors, and church bells.

Will you be in the country during a political campaign exposing you to hourly loudspeaker announcements or during Ramadan’s dawn and dusk calls to prayer?


If you are allergic to mold or smoke, ask your homeowners about this beforehand. The last thing you want is to arrive at a destination and learn you can’t breathe in the home.


You might consider both the security of the location (including factors such as crime, terrorism, disease outbreaks, and political stability) and of the home itself (alarm systems, nanny cams, etc.).

Your Expenses

Be sure to factor in the cost of travel to the housesit at that time of year, visa expenses and the general cost of living at the location. Will you need to rent a car?

Visa Requirements

Especially if you are considering a last-minute sitting assignment, the time involved in securing a visa might be a factor to consider.

Access to Health and Emergency Services at Location

If you have personal health concerns, be sure to research options for your own health care. How far is the nearest clinic or emergency room? What types of services are offered and how are they paid for?

Internet Bandwidth and Reliability

If you are a digital nomad, consider your needs for Internet reliability, bandwidth, and download and upload speeds.

Kelly Hayes-Raitt is an award-winning writer and journalist, an inspiring author coach, and a public speaker who loves to share her experiences. 

Kelly Hayes Raitt

To live up to her “sleeping around” reputation, Kelly has lived and housesat full-time since 2009 throughout the U.S., Mexico, Europe, Vietnam, China, Singapore, Japan, Malaysia, Senegal, Malawi, Tanzania, and Mozambique. She’s visited more than 75 countries, including Iraq during the war (from where she reported live to Los Angeles TV and radio news programs) and has co-led delegations in Syria and India.

Besides sleeping around with animals, Kelly is an avid scuba diver who strives to perfect her octopus-whispering.

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