Garland Offers a True Downtown Experience in Texas

Garland Texas is famous for it's town square, recently improved for all. Jack Dunphy photos.
Garland Texas is famous for its town square, recently improved for all. Jack Dunphy photos.

Garland Texas: A Celebration of Diversity in Food, Music, and Cultures, and a Downtown!

By Jack Dunphy
Senior Writer

The variety of small family-owned ethnic restaurants in Garland, Texas amazes me. Here is just a sampling: Nigerian, Ethiopian, Mediterranean, Jamaican (which serves Oxtail- and that is a real tail from an Ox), Turkish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Honduran, Pakistani, Thai, Colombian, Filipino, Peruvian, and more.chef carla

Garland has the 14th largest Vietnamese population in the United States. The city offers 19 family-owned Vietnamese restaurants alone. Collectively they are known as the Pho Real Trail.

Not to be outdone, 23 Chinese restaurants serve up their specialties in Garland. All these restaurants thrive in the city of 241,000 just 19 miles from Dallas.

Turkey Has Best Food?

I asked an inveterate world traveler (she has been everywhere) where she found the best and most scrumptious food in the world.  She did not hesitate a second: Turkey. She loves that the typical meal comes with a tasty variety of small servings.

She liked that you can eat as few or as many items as you choose so no pressure to eat everything on your plate. For delicious Turkish in Garland, try the Noorsha Café,  with a 4.9 Google rating.

On my Garland visit a group of us had dinner at the 286 Noodle House, a Vietnamese restaurant. We all enjoyed their wondrous Pho bowl (a vegetable and chicken soup). It is hard to beat Pho for flavor and nutrition. Servings are generous, so be prepared to bring plenty home for your next meal.

More sculptures delight on Main Street. Photo by Jack Dunphy
More sculptures delight on Main Street. Photo by Jack Dunphy

Next door to the 286 House is the Kim Lan Food to Go store, another Vietnamese business. And next to that is the Hiepthai Food Store. Hiepthai boasts, “our section of hard-to-find staples and produce from Asia, Africa, Mexico, and more!” Three joining stores offering ethnic food gives you an idea of how ubiquitous the food choices are in Garland. Do not forget Texas barbecue- several to choose from.

Screenshot 2024 09 27 at 10.50.25 AMThe Downtown Square in Garland

After our Vietnamese lunch, we were ready for a downtown walk. The Garland slogan is “Find something amazing.” I did find several. The restored downtown is a gem and a beautiful place for a stroll. I loved the Square which is a rejuvenated park in the central business district surrounded by lovingly restored brick buildings.

main station bar
The downtown is so enchanting it made me wonder why more towns are not designed in this fashion. The Square provides a great spot for Garland’s regular festivals and music performances. Leeann Rhimes grew up in Garland and performs there. 

I especially enjoyed my visit with Leslie Montena, the artist and owner of the Epiphany Gallery downtown. Leslie captures the inclusive and welcoming spirit of Garland. Her Gallery, she says, “fosters an environment where local artists thrive, and diverse communities come together.” Art classes and event space rentals are available. 

grapevine muralGarland’s Murals

Many blank walls on outdoor buildings are no more. Multicolor murals jump out at you all over town.

Garland has done their murals in that inclusive Garland way. For example, everyone was invited to take part in painting the library mural. People walking by were encouraged to pick up a paintbrush. The result is a delight.

The mural by local artist John Bramblitt stands out. You will find this mural, commissioned by the City of Garland, on the side of the Visual Aid Volunteer building. You should know this stunning mural is even more amazing since John is legally blind! 

A plaque in braille explains to other blind people how to touch the mural and recognize the painted characters such as a figure dancing. John says he paints the mural and other works of art by “feeling what I’m painting.” 

Jimmy Wallace Guitars

Another unique store on the Square is the Jimmy Wallace Guitar Store. Whether you are a guitar lover or not, here this a one-of-a-kind store worth a visit. Used and new guitars fill every nook and cranny and hang from the ceiling.

main station foodThey range from inexpensive to museum quality. Jimmy is a walking encyclopedia on everything guitars and any band that plays them and seemingly everybody in those bands. I happen to know Pierre de Beauport, the professional guitar tuner for Keith Richards of with the Rolling Stones.

I only know him because he lives in my Massachusetts town when he is not a Rolling Stone. I mentioned Pierre’s name to Jimmy, and he said, “Of course, I know Pierre. He is a cool guy.” Jimmy told me a few colorful Pierre stories.  Random and cool!

Jimmy also is the founder of the Dallas International Guitar Festival, now in its 43rd year. Guitar aficionados make the trip from around the world for three days of music and camaraderie. For more on everything guitars you will not forget your visit to the Jimmy Wallace Guitar store.

Do not be surprised if he leaves you with some words of wisdom. As I said goodbye to him, he remarked, “We in Garland know how to have a good time in a good way.” Followed by “Remember you can help someone through their journey, or you can be a clerk.” I will remember him for sure. 

grapevine train stationOutdoor Fun 

Do you own a cowboy hat? If so, it was probably made in Garland, Texas. Garland is the cowboy hat capital of the world with three manufacturers in the city limits. Take a tour of where cowboy hats are made by Stetson Master Hatters or Dorfman Milano.

You might wear your new cowboy hat while enjoying Garland’s outdoors. Local gems are their hiking trails and six golf courses. Golf can be snobby and expensive: just look at Houston’s River Oaks Country Club with a $100,000 initiation fee, and that is before you play a round of golf! Not so in Garland!

The municipally owned Fire Wheel Golf Park beckons you with 63 holes and a variety of terrain and challenges. You can play a round of golf at Fire Wheel for just $18!

Or take that cowboy hat for a hike at the Spring Creek Park Preserve on its 8 miles of hiking trails along Spring Creek and into a 150-year-old growth forest. Some trails are handicap accessible, so all are welcome, even your dog. For a special visit book a nature hike with David Parrish, Master Naturalist.

Atrium Gaylord Resort. Photo by Jack Dunphy
Atrium Gaylord Resort. Photo by Jack Dunphy

David identified the differences between the ash, oak, elm, and black walnut trees. He also leads a Trout Lilly walk and he puts on regular moth nights, i.e., a bed sheet with a light behind it that attracts an amazing variety of insects who land on the sheet for all to marvel at. Kids and adults love moth night!

I did a moth night elsewhere once and I found it so wonderful I set up my moth night on occasion in my backyard. 

Visit Garland and you will find a city that welcomes everyone. I left feeling refreshed and optimistic about the future. To me, Garland Texas shines a light on how a city can embrace visitors and new residents alike from whatever corners of the world they come from. Visit Garland and, as Jimmy Wallace says, “have a good time in a good way.”

The author’s visit was sponsored by Visit GarlandTX, but the opinions are all his own.

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