Summiting A Swiss Mountain With Your Kids: Challenging, but Not Difficult!

Hiking up a very large Swiss mountain with a 13 and 16 year old? Sounds almost impossible! Steven Bochenek shows us that its not only possible, but its not that difficult. Read Steven’s story about his family’s outing on the Bella Tolla mountain in Val D’Anniviers, Switzerland!

My kids, 13 and 16, arriving at the Bella Tolla summit with their uncle. They're fit but not exceptional and could have done this hike as young as 5. They've done tougher (if lower) summits many times in Scotland and New England.

My [Steven’s]  kids, 13 and 16, arriving at the Bella Tolla summit with their uncle. They’re fit but not exceptional and could have done this hike as young as 5.

Two distressed women were hollering frantically, waving their arms in a T, the universal sign of distress. Though 500 meters away, their voices carried clearly up the cwm: “EEehh!” Were they yelling aide, the French for help? Neil and I left the others and began charging down with the aid kit.

More of that later. This is actually about easily conquering a Swiss peak with kids!

At 3,025 meters, Bella Tolla is a genuine mountain in Val D’Anniviers, Switzerland’s eastern-most French valley. From the summit you look down on other snowcapped peaks, glimpsing Italy and France.

Although the air is thin and the hike challenging, an average family can summit in two hours. The experience requires little more than hiking boots, water, and patience. But it would probably be better if you didn’t smoke.

Two hours doesn’t sound long but in 80-degree heat, relentlessly pushing upwards, it’s an effective way to make your vacation last.

Promise the kids a snowball fight at the top. Promise them a 30-minute thrill ride down the lower mountain road afterwards. And promise yourself a glass of wine at either of the sky-high restaurants. This is Europe!

Yes, you can do it with kids.

We were four adults and four kids. Ranging 12 to 16, our kids are be a bit older but could have done this when they were under five. One hearty German couple had their sleeping baby in a shady backpack.

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